Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Direct import / parallel import
Direct/parallel imports involve the direct import of cars from abroad. Cars are purchased either from the manufacturer’s sales channel in another country or directly from the factory. So cars do not go through the hands of a Swiss general importer, who, as an intermediary, would add its own mark-up onto the selling price. This import option and customer protection are guaranteed by Swiss antitrust law and the Competition Commission (WEKO). By purchasing a vehicle imported in parallel, you not only benefit from a favourable price as a consumer, you also safeguard Swiss jobs.
Buying a direct/parallel imported car from Auto Kunz means you get the same product at a more favourable price. There can be a number of reasons for this:
- There are different list prices for different countries
- No intermediaries
- Currency advantages are passed on to the customer
- Direct purchase from the factory
- Bulk purchasing leads to better conditions
- Bulk purchasing practises
As an experienced parallel importer we have extensive expertise: we know where the Swiss consumer gets the best value for money.
Yes. According to the provisions of the Competition Commission: “Warranties guarantees provided by motor vehicle suppliers at the place where the new motor vehicle is purchased must be valid under the same conditions throughout the European Economic Area and in Switzerland.” This and more is regulated in a set of rules passed by the Competition Commission (Motor Trade Vehicle Communications) link
In the case of vehicles imported from overseas, the manufacturer is not legally obliged to offer a factory warranty. With us, you receive a 2-year warranty also on these vehicles together with the possibility of extending the warranty.
With new cars, there is a minimum 2-year factory warranty which is often extended by the manufacturer (e.g. Mazda offers 3 years). Used cars come with a 1-year warranty.
Every Swiss franchised workshop has to carry out warranty and maintenance work, regardless of whether you imported the car directly or bought it from us. This is regulated by the Competition Commission’s motor vehicle trade communications.
You can find more information about our services here!
When you buy a new car you stand to gain from our SWISS Package: 3 years or 30,000 km free maintenance work including materials, if you have the service carried out by us. Liquids and additional work are extra. These conditions apply even if your car already has a free service package with another term or another scope of services.
Yes. Simply use our new car configurator and a few clicks later you will receive an attractive price for your import vehicle.
Yes, of course. We calculate the value of your car based on a Eurotax report and the current market situation.
Yes! If you are not satisfied with your new car despite taking it for a test drive, simply return it! Now that’s what we call buying without risk. Terms: 30 days, max. 2,000 km, 3.9 % excess fee valid for purchase ex stock
Speaking of security. Are you somewhat unsure in your choice of vehicle? No problem, in addition to the right of return you can buy many new cars with the very popular try&buy option. That means no risk, you rent first and decide on the purchase after 3 months. (link zu Autoabo einfügen)
Yes. As an official major importer, we settled taxes directly with the authorities for cars that are subject to tax.
Yes. Our prices are enYes. Our prices are end prices and always include VAT and all registration documentsd prices and always include VAT and all registration documents
We do bill a separate delivery package for costs arising in registering the vehicle, for preparing the car for you, for the vignette and for a full tank of fuel.
As we are practically the only discounter in Switzerland with our own workshop and a 24-hour breakdown service, we will look after you.
Private individuals (direct import) are often unaware of the different list prices, taxes and bureaucratic procedures involved in importing goods from different countries. When you buy a car through Auto Kunz (parallel import) you can fully benefit from our know-how and the favourable prices.
In buying a car through us, you have the best of both worlds – the favourable conditions of the direct import with the advantage of being fully looked after by a Swiss enterprise. Any disputes or defects will be handled in accordance with Swiss law – security you do not have when buying abroad!
You also stand to benefit from the following advantages:
- Protection against taking a vehicle that won’t be approve (because of emission standards, crash conditions, safety elements…)
- Protection against non-delivery despite having paid your money
- Protection against frustrating administrative hurdles and approval procedures
Registering American vehicles in Switzerland is extremely complicated. Contact us, we will give you all the information you need. Normally we have a suitable car on offer anyway.
The complex and very cost-intensive procedure mentioned above includes, among other things:
- noise approval
- exhaust gas approval
- frontal impact approval
- side impact approval
- approval of passenger safety
- modifications regarding tyres, lighting and measurement units
- documentation of first registration
- etc.
We would advise against importing a vehicle yourself. Leave it to the specialists.
Since 1 July 2012, all passenger vehicles younger than 6 months are subject to a federal CO2 tax. As a private individual – unlike us as a major importer – you have to tax each vehicle individually. This can cost several thousand francs depending on the car.
On our ‘CO2 Börse’ info page you can find out more. When you buy a new car from us, CO2 taxes are already included.
As a rule, cars in the EU/EEA have the same equipment as so-called Swiss models. If there are any differences, these are usually only marginal. This is not surprising, since the vehicle models are built in the same factory and, therefore, there are no differences in quality.
Advertising slogans spotlighting the allegedly superior equipment in a Swiss car are often only a pretext to justify a special Swiss mark-up at the expense of the buyer. As far as possible, the few possible differences in equipment have already been taken into account in our offers.
The Swiss Confederation stipulates that, pursuant to the provisions of the Competition Commission, the warranty does not expire if end consumers have their motor vehicle repaired or maintained by an independent garage during the vehicle supplier’s warranty period (including repairs due to an accident). This is regulated in the Competition Commission’s communications on the motor vehicle trade.
You can find this information either in the vehicle’s maintenance booklet or on the manufacturer’s website (search for ‘warranty guidelines’). In principle, manufacturer warranties include all work and materials, with the exception of consumables and liquids such as engine oil, coolant, windscreen washer fluid, brake pads, clutch plates, tyres, etc.
This is an infringement of the antitrust law. You should report this to the Competition Commission – at – or inform the secretariat of the Swiss Free Car Trade Association, Of course, you can contact us at any time. You can let us deal with the appropriate warranty matters.
Contact our customer service!
No. Vehicles with the same specifications are valued the same. There is no justification for any deductions in value based on vehicle origin.
These documents are required by every independent importer from Switzerland or the European Economic Area (EEA) when purchasing a vehicle in another EEA country. This is provided for by the antitrust regulations in the EU and Switzerland.
If nothing is agreed in advance, the vehicle usually goes back to the lessor. Depending on the structure of the contract, however, it is possible to acquire the leased property after the contract has expired. A right of first refusal should therefore have been established by contract.
When leasing a vehicle, in addition to the liability insurance a comprehensive insurance (partial and collision insurance) is mandatory.
Please read the operating instructions of your vehicle carefully. Above all, the maintenance and inspection services specified by the manufacturer must be carried out on time by your vehicle dealer.
Please read the operating instructions of your vehicle carefully. Above all, the maintenance and inspection services specified by the manufacturer must be carried out on time by your vehicle dealer.
Careful handling of the vehicle has a positive effect at the end of the lease.
Vehicle defects that are not caused by normal wear and tear or caused by neglected maintenance will be repaired at your expense upon return of the vehicle.
According to consumer credit law, the lessee can terminate the contract with a notice period of at least 30 days, but only 3 months after the conclusion of the contract.
If you use a vehicle as a private person, you can not deduct the leasing costs, in contrast to commercial use.
Online Car Purchase
With us you can buy all vehicles online, which we also offer locally. Here you will find (link) the list of all vehicles for sale. Use your preferred criteria for the filter. After that, all vehicles that match your selection appear.
Click on your desired vehicle, then click on the shopping cart and the vehicle is already in your shopping cart! Then choose the option “for payment” and fill in the required fields with your contact and payment details.
Yes, you have that possibility too. Enter the desired parameters for the leasing rate as well as your personal details. Our sales representatives will then contact you as soon as possible to discuss your application.
You take no risk. Because as (probably) the only Swiss garagist and car importer we offer a first rating (link) from the biggest rating agency in the world. That means buying without risk for you.
With the online purchase we offer you the same service package as with a purchase on site (guarantee, right of return, etc.). Your satisfaction is our main concern.
If you no longer like the new car, just change it! This is a buy without risk. Valid: 30 days, max. 2’000 km, deductible 3.9%, valid on purchase from stock.
Yes, we are happy to exchange your vehicle. Once we receive your contact form, a sales consultant will contact you.
Our online support will be glad to help you if you would like to contact us by phone for an online purchase. After your vehicle purchase our customer service is responsible for you. He will gladly accept your requests.
Should the vehicle experience a breakdown contrary to expectations, our professional breakdown service is at your disposal.
How can I help you?

Anna Hillebrecht